Professional Services You Can Rely On
We offer personal tax preparation in addition to our business tax services. We have seen every tax situation imaginable over the years. Because of this, even if your situation is unique or complex, our experience allows us to find your answer quickly. We can also recognize something that may be out of our scope; in those situations, we will refer you to one of our professional peers who can address your issue. We are here to help – so whether we are the ones to do it or someone else, our goal is met when your problem is resolved.
Individual Tax Services
- Personal tax preparation – usually two weeks or less
- Past year’s tax return preparation when needed
- All States, as well as any city or local tax returns
- Mid-year and year-end projections and advice
- Extensive experience in the real estate industry
- Wage withholding analysis and adjustment
- Past tax trouble advice and resolution
- Quarterly tax payment advice and adjustments
- Payment plans worked out with IRS and State
- Tax notices resolved in a timely manner
- Monthly newsletters to keep you informed
- Available to take your call all year long – quick response time